Package Theft
Commerce around the world is shifting rapidly. Consumers purchase a wide variety of items online and have products delivered directly to their residences. The type and value of items shipped have also shifted and now include televisions, phones, computers, jewelry, and even groceries. In short, the volume of items shipped each day is dramatically increasing, and so is the value of these shipments.
As a result, a new form of crime has emerged and is gaining popularity—porch piracy. Not only has this crime captured the attention of social media and news organizations, but now police, retailers, the supply chain industry, and shippers are taking note as the frequency and destructive nature of this crime cannot continue unopposed.
Unfortunately, we know little about how this crime is committed, where and when it occurs, who is responsible, or how victims respond. Until recently, there was no definition for package theft. What is more, most police departments do not track package theft.
Identifying methods and techniques to prevent package theft is challenging without answering these fundamental questions. This is where my journey began; leveraging the skills and experience from a career in policing with the research capacity of a university and a focus on environmental criminology to address this emerging type, package theft.
Package Theft: “Taking possession of a package or its contents, outside of a residence or business, where it has been commercially delivered or has been left for commercial pick-up, with intent to deprive the rightful owner of the contents.” (Hicks, Stickle, Harms, 2020)
To learn more about package theft and porch pirates, review the scholarly publications, practitioner articles, and related media appearances below. My team and I are available for consulting, media interviews, and assisting any organization interested in tackling the problem of package theft.

Scholarly Publications
Practitioner Articles
"Pirates on the Porch." Security Management.
"Combatting Porch Piracy: Effective Strategies to Secure Deliveries." Parcel & Post Technology
"5 Tips for Stopping Porch Pirates from Stealing Your Packages." Business Insider.
"Porch Piracy: The Most Vulnerable Part of the Supply Chain." The Mail & Express Review.
"Fighting Pirates: A First Look at How to Prevent Porch Piracy." Loss Prevention Magazine.
"Beware of Package Thieves Outside Your Home." Consumer Postal Council
"The Last Foot of the Supply Chain is Presenting New Challenges." Delivery Safe.
"The Growing Trends in Home Delivery is Fueling Package Theft." GRC Outlook.
"Are Your Packaged Safe from ‘Porch Pirates’?" The Crime Report.
"Porch Piracy." The Conversation.
Selected Media Appearances
Cracking down on Package Thieves. Good Morning America (2020)
NBC Nightly News. NBC News
Porch Piracy Enters Capitol Hill's Crosshairs. Freight Waves
The Rise of Home Delivery Attracting Predators: 'Porch Pirates' Snatch Record 250 Million Packages. The Washington Times
Package Theft. Security Management
Cute Videos, But Little Evidence: Police Say Amazon Ring Isn’t Much of a Crime Fighter. NBC Investigative Reporting
How Can We Stop ‘Porch Pirates’? A New Study Says the Answer is Simpler Than You Think. Input Magazine.
Authorities Crack Down on Porch Pirates. Good Morning America (2021)
How to Stop Porch Pirates from Stealing Your Packages. News Nation Now, The Donlon Report
210 Million Packages Were Stolen from Americans in 2021. Fox News
Caught on Video: Porch Pirate Dashes off with Holiday Packages. KABC News
Breaking Down Porch Piracy & Metal Theft Featuring Dr. Ben Stickle. In Crime Science: The Science of Crime Prevention, Episode 37 of the Loss Prevention Research Council
Have a New Address? Don’t Lose Your Mail. The New York Times
How Likely are you to be a ‘Porch Pirate’ Victim? A New Study Offers Clues. WTOP News
What is Naked Packaging?: Why Experts Say it’s Luring Porch Pirates. WGN TV
As Package Theft Skyrockets During COVID-19 Pandemic, What Can Consumers Do to Protect Themselves? CBS Chicago
Have You Been a Victim of Porch Pirates? WGN Radio

Research Team
Ben Stickle is a recognized expert and industry forerunner addressing loss in the last mile of delivery, focusing on package theft. His work includes scholarly articles on COVID-19’s impact on crime, package theft, and practitioner-focused articles in The Mail & Express Review, Loss Prevention Magazine, Security Management, and The Business Insider. Ben’s research has appeared in over 100 news reports, websites, and blogs, including Good Morning America, US News & World Report, New York Times, NBC Investigative Reporting, AARP, WGN Chicago, Readers Digest, and others. Ben has presented to the Loss Prevention Research Council, WMX, Post & Parcel Live, Clear Link Consumer Brands, ASIS International, E-P-Pack, and more.
Melody Hicks holds a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Administration and a Master of Science in Criminal Justice from Middle Tennessee State University. After completing a funded Graduate Research Assistantship at MTSU, she works for a local police agency in the Office of Professional Responsibility. Her research interests focus on situational crime prevention, video data analysis, and fear of crime research. She is the co-author of two academic articles on package theft.
Amy Stickle is a Mathematics Lecturer at Middle Tennessee State University. Teaching courses in Algebra and Statistics, her research interests include math anxiety and the application of mathematical and statistical concepts in criminal justice.